Friday, December 14, 2012

Not cutting edge, not bleeding edge, but definitely not an abacus

(photo from
December 14, 2012



(Which is why I just yelled that at you)

Now let's talk about why...
  1. In 2007, I got my masters degree in Instructional Technology.
  2. While I love what I do, I felt like I was equipped to do SO MUCH MORE with technology at our school.
  3. In January, our school will be getting a rolling iPad cart.

Let me say that I know that iPad's are not a magical solution to life's educational issues. I believe without a shadow of a doubt that the iPad is just another tool we can use to help equip our learners to both excel and enjoy in the learning environment. The iPad cart will open the door to the use of gazillions (that's an exaggeration) of apps that are free are almost free to use in the classroom setting. It will allow more one on one work with students at the level that they need. It will allow portability that we have never had before.

Today's software companies have designed "smart" software that adjusts to right and wrong answers that are submitted by users. What a wonderful way to adjust to the learner's needs!

I am very excited about future technology usage at our school! I can't wait to see how I can be a positive part of all these changes.


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